Published 12th April 2023

Australia defence needs to prioritise ‘human’ over ‘hardware’

Bondi Partners Senior Advisor and retired Major General Gus McLachlan says Australia needs to prioritize 'human' over 'hardware'.

Sky News Australia | April 24, 2023

Retired Major General Gus McLachlan says Australia’s current defense strategy deters aggression and has done so for a “long time” but it should go a “step further” and “deter coercion”.

“I think deterrence has been at the core of our defense strategy for a long time; those people who say we’re preparing for a land invasion of Australia from China are missing the point,” Mr McLachlan told Sky News Australia.

“The whole point of a defense force is to deter aggression towards Australia and this set of priorities does that.

“I would like to take it to have seen it go one step further and that would be to deter coercion of Australia.”

Published by Sky News Australia.

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