Published 13th June 2023

Joe Hockey poaches AGL executive Michelle Wood

CBD: Bondi Rescue as Joe Hockey poaches AGL executive Michelle Wood

Sydney Morning Herald | June 13, 2023

While Joe Hockey didn’t last too long as federal treasurer, he’s had greater success in the business world, with his strategic advisory firm Bondi Partners making waves both in the United States and on the home front.

Three years after poaching the former consul-general in Los Angeles Chelsey Martin,Hockey has just wrested AGL’s executive general manager corporate affairs Michelle Wood away from the energy giant to lead Bondi Partners’ Sydney office.

“Bondi boasts an impressive client roster having represented companies including Bubs, Digicel and Blackstone, and has recently opened a London post off the back of the AUKUS agreement,” she said.

While the former ambassador to the United States’ firm doesn’t stray into the domestic political lobbying game, Wood’s hiring brings a bit of political diversity – she’s an ALP member and former Australian Republican Movement deputy chair. That’s a contrast to other senior figures in Bondi who have their roots in the Liberal Party and the American GOP. Former Howard government minister Peter McGauran and Hockey’s successor in North Sydney Trent Zimmerman are both senior advisers.

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